Articles Posted in Fiduciary

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Being appointed an agent under a financial power of attorney, or as a Court-appointed guardian, comes with a significant delegation of authority.  However, it is important to know that such delegation of power is not without limits.  For example, an agent can only exercise powers specifically granted under the power of attorney document.  And, in the case of a guardianship, the guardian is obligated to periodically account for the Court of their efforts on behalf of the ward.  And, of course, a fiduciary under either scenario cannot abuse their power or use their power unlawfully.

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Ned Parent, a member of Silverman Thompson’s Business Litigation Group, published an article in the September 2017 issue of the Maryland State Bar Association’s “Bar Bulletin” publication.  Mr. Parent’s article discussed the “undue influence” standard used in Caveat proceedings (the formal term used for proceedings challenging the validity of a Will).  Specifically, the article discussed the challenges in successfully proving undue influence in such proceedings, and suggested possible solutions to address those challenges.

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